1 m² of a living wall removes 2.3 kg of CO₂ from the air each year and produces 1.7 kg of oxygen.

Living wall


The product offered by Green Haven combines the right materials and technology to create one of the world’s most successful living wall systems. The Cradle-to-Cradle certified façade system ensures the sustainability of buildings.


A living wall always requires a professional approach to find the best solution. Factors such as climate, orientation, and the surrounding environment play a significant role in the selection of vegetation. A living wall can be installed in both outdoor and indoor spaces.

Starting from €10/m²

Green Haven products are carefully tested and certified to meet the highest standards while offering an affordable price.


Our modular system allows for the installation of green solutions in both small areas and large urban developments.

Facade element

Our living wall solutions feature a modular design, meaning they can be easily customized and installed on various façades. This modularity allows for the replacement of conventional façade constructions, helping to save costs and protect the environment. Our wall modules have a natural and organic appearance and provide insulation during the winter, making the building more energy-efficient.


Cradle-to-Cradle means that the product is designed so that its materials and components can be endlessly reused or recycled. This transforms the products into “circular” items and reduces their environmental impact. Such an approach allows us to create products that are in harmony with nature rather than burdening the environment.